How to Feel Comfortable at Your New Church


A congregation is a community of faith that gathers forworship, fellowship, learning and service. It’s a place to find connection withothers as you experience and share God’s love and grace together. Congregationshave many ways to welcome new people who are interested in participating in thelife of the community.

Humans have a universal need to belong to communities thataccept us as we are, pray for us, embrace us when we grieve and rejoice with uswhen we celebrate. Such communities have many ways to welcome that new personwho stands at the door, interested in participating in the life of thecommunity.

Worship styles and languages vary widely across the ELCA’scongregations. Some worship in storefronts or parks, while others gather inhistoric church buildings. Some have contemporary music and a praise band,while others have an organ and a choir. Some have both.

Within that diversity there are common elements of worship.They include words and music to start service, sharing the word of God through music, Bible readings and a sermon; receiving Holy Communion; and delivering a sending blessing.

The ELCA teaches that it doesn’t matter what your experience with religion has been or what doubts or questions about faith you might have.You are welcome as you are.

Together we strive to be a church that celebrates diversity and affirms all people as they are. Come as you are, to worship, learn, serve and grow in faith with others.

Here is a checklist you may consider as you get to know a new congregation extends hospitality to strangers:

· Do you feel welcome? Welcome is what ELCA congregationsstrive for. Many people hurt by experiences with church have been made to feelthat they can’t be their God-given selves in church settings. ELCA churches arecontinually working toward reconciliation and to share the fundamental beliefthat God’s love and grace are limitless and for everyone.

· Identify the community members looking for folksthey don’t recognize. Often they can accompany you to the fellowshiptime. 

· Many pastors deliver a message of welcome tostrangers during the service. Get to know community members when they seek youout. 

· Engage in conversation. Congregation membersoften have no way of knowing how you had the courage to enter the building.Remarks such as “I don’t think I’ve had a chance to meet you” or “Can I answerany questions for you?” can invite conversation without pressuring you todisclose more than you might like on a first visit.

Source: Living Lutheran article “The Search for a Church


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